What works fine is simply playing music on a preselected device. So far, so good. The cover art is mostly correct (sometimes completely mixed up - usual album list, but wrong covers displayed).
Issues I have regularly:
- every day I first need to kill the app via the task switcher because it tells me that the disk station is "no longer connected" and I should log in again. Killing the app helps, but feels terribly ugly.
- I would really like to use ds audio to store music on-device permanently. So far, the "downloaded music" section feels rather random to me. Sometimes, all music I play is stored there, but it also disappears again.
- The hard border between playing on-device and playing on an airplay device. Id prefer having one shared playlist between both and just switch the output channel. Instead, it feels to me like my playlist is wiped when switching. Id never listen to something else on the device while my stereo is playing music, would I? :)
Keksdosendeckel about DS audio, v5.12.0